

class autoprotocol.container.Container(id, container_type, name=None, storage=None, cover=None)

A reference to a specific physical container (e.g. a tube or 96-well microplate).

Every Container has an associated ContainerType, which defines the well count and arrangement, amongst other properties.

There are several methods on Container which present a convenient interface for defining subsets of wells on which to operate. These methods return a WellGroup.

Containers are usually declared using the Protocol.ref method.

  • id (str) – Alphanumerical identifier for a Container.
  • container_type (ContainerType) – ContainerType associated with a Container.
  • name (str, optional) – name of the container/ref being created.
  • storage (str, optional) – name of the storage condition.
  • cover (str, optional) – name of the cover on the container.

AttributeError – Invalid cover-type given


Return a string representation of a Container using the specified name. (ex. Container(‘my_plate’))


Return a WellGroup representing all Wells belonging to this Container.

Parameters:columnwise (bool, optional) – returns the WellGroup columnwise instead of rowwise (ordered by well index).
Returns:WellGroup of all Wells in Container
Return type:WellGroup

Return a tuple representing the column and row number of the well index given based on the ContainerType of the Container.

Uses the decompose function from the ContainerType class. Refer to ContainerType.decompose() for more information.


Set the storage condition of a container to None and container to be discarded if ref in protocol.


p = Protocol()
container = p.ref("new_container", cont_type="96-pcr",
p.incubate(c, "warm_37", "30:minute")

Autoprotocol generated:

.. code-block:: json

   "refs": {
      "new_container": {
        "new": "96-pcr",
        "discard": true

Return the human readable representation of the integer well index given based on the ContainerType of the Container.

Uses the humanize function from the ContainerType class. Refer to ContainerType.humanize() for more information.


Return a WellGroup of all wells on a plate excluding wells in the top and bottom rows and in the first and last columns.

Parameters:columnwise (bool, optional) – returns the WellGroup columnwise instead of rowwise (ordered by well index).
Returns:WellGroup of inner wells
Return type:WellGroup

Check if Container is covered.


Check if Container is sealed.


Return a WellGroup of Wells corresponding to the selected quadrant of this Container.

This is only applicable to 384-well plates.

Parameters:quad (int) – Specifies the quadrant number of the well (ex. 2)
Returns:WellGroup of wells for the specified quadrant
Return type:WellGroup
Raises:ValueError – Invalid quadrant specified for this Container type

Return the integer representation of the well index given, based on the ContainerType of the Container.

Uses the robotize function from the ContainerType class. Refer to ContainerType.robotize() for more information.


Set the storage condition of a container, will overwrite an existing storage condition, will remove discard True.

Parameters:storage (str) – Storage condition.
Returns:Container with modified storage condition
Return type:Container
Raises:TypeError – If storage condition not of type str.

Checks if container is tube and returns a Well representing the zeroth well.

Returns:Zeroth well of tube
Return type:Well
Raises:AttributeError – If container is not tube

Return a Well object representing the well at the index specified of this Container.

Parameters:i (int, str) – Well reference in the form of an integer (ex: 0) or human-readable string (ex: “A1”).
Returns:Well for given reference
Return type:Well
Raises:TypeError – index given is not of the right type

Return a WellGroup containing references to wells corresponding to the index or indices given.

Parameters:args (str, int, list) – Reference or list of references to a well index either as an integer or a string.
Returns:Wells from specified references
Return type:WellGroup
Raises:TypeError – Well reference is not of a valid input type
wells_from(start, num, columnwise=False)

Return a WellGroup of Wells belonging to this Container starting from the index indicated (in integer or string form) and including the number of proceeding wells specified. Wells are counted from the starting well rowwise unless columnwise is True.

  • start (Well or int or str) – Starting well specified as a Well object, a human-readable well index or an integer well index.
  • num (int) – Number of wells to include in the Wellgroup.
  • columnwise (bool, optional) – Specifies whether the wells included should be counted columnwise instead of the default rowwise.

WellGroup of selected wells

Return type:



TypeError – Incorrect input types, e.g. num has to be of type int


class autoprotocol.container.Well(container, index)

A Well object describes a single location within a container.

Do not construct a Well directly – retrieve it from the related Container object.

  • container (Container) – The Container this well belongs to.
  • index (int) – The index of this well within the container.

Return a string representation of a Well.


Add properties to the properties attribute of a Well. If any key/value pairs are present in both the old and new dictionaries, they will be overwritten by the pairs in the new dictionary.

Parameters:properties (dict) – Dictionary of properties to add to a Well.
Returns:Well with modified properties
Return type:Well

Returns the available volume of a Well. This is calculated as nominal volume - container_type dead volume

Returns:Volume in well
Return type:Unit(volume)
Raises:RuntimeError – Well has no volume

Return the human readable representation of the integer well index given based on the ContainerType of the Well.

Uses the humanize function from the ContainerType class. Refer to ContainerType.humanize() for more information.

Returns:Index of well in Container (in human readable form)
Return type:str

Set a name for this well for it to be included in a protocol’s “outs” section

Parameters:name (str) – Well name.
Returns:Well with modified name
Return type:Well

Set properties for a Well. Existing property dictionary will be completely overwritten with the new dictionary.

Parameters:properties (dict) – Custom properties for a Well in dictionary form.
Returns:Well with modified properties
Return type:Well

Set the theoretical volume of liquid in a Well.


vol (str, Unit) – Theoretical volume to indicate for a Well.


Well with modified volume

Return type:


  • TypeError – Incorrect input-type given
  • ValueError – Volume set exceeds maximum well volume


class autoprotocol.container.WellGroup(wells)

A logical grouping of Wells.

Wells in a WellGroup do not necessarily need to be in the same container.

Parameters:wells (list) – List of Well objects contained in this WellGroup.
Raises:TypeError – Wells is not of the right input type

Append a Well or Wells from another WellGroup to this WellGroup.

Parameters:other (Well, WellGroup.) –
Returns:WellGroup with appended wells
Return type:WellGroup
Raises:TypeError – Input given is not of type Well or WellGroup

Return a specific Well from a WellGroup.

Parameters:key (int) – Position in a WellGroup in robotized form.
Returns:Specified well from given key
Return type:Well

Return the number of Wells in a WellGroup.


Return a string representation of a WellGroup.

__setitem__(key, item)

Set a specific Well in a WellGroup.

  • key (int) – Position in a WellGroup in robotized form.
  • item (Well) – Well or WellGroup to be added

TypeError – Item specified is not of type Well


Add the same properties for each Well in a WellGroup.

Parameters:properties (dict) – Dictionary of properties to set on Well(s).
Returns:WellGroup with modified properties
Return type:WellGroup

Append another well to this WellGroup.

Parameters:other (Well) – Well to append to this WellGroup.
Returns:WellGroup with appended well
Return type:WellGroup
Raises:TypeError – other is not of type Well

Extend this WellGroup with another WellGroup.

Parameters:other (WellGroup or list of Wells) – WellGroup to extend this WellGroup.
Returns:WellGroup extended with specified WellGroup
Return type:WellGroup
Raises:TypeError – Input WellGroup is not of the right type

Return the indices of the wells in the group in human-readable form, given that all of the wells belong to the same container.

Returns:List of humanized indices from this WellGroup
Return type:list(str)
insert(i, well)

Insert a well at a given position.

  • i (int) – index to insert the well at
  • well (Well) – insert this well at the index

WellGroup with inserted wells

Return type:



TypeError – index or well defined does not have right input type


Removes and returns the last well in the wellgroup, unless an index is specified. If index is specified, the well at that index is removed from the wellgroup and returned.

Parameters:index (int, optional) – the index of the well you want to remove and return
Returns:Well with selected index from WellGroup
Return type:Well

Assigns a name to a WellGroup.

Parameters:name (str) – WellGroup name
Returns:Name of wellgroup
Return type:str

Set the same properties for each Well in a WellGroup.

Parameters:properties (dict) – Dictionary of properties to set on Well(s).
Returns:WellGroup with modified properties
Return type:WellGroup

Set the volume of every well in the group to vol.

Parameters:vol (Unit, str) – Theoretical volume of each well in the WellGroup.
Returns:WellGroup with modified volume
Return type:WellGroup
wells_with(prop, val=None)

Returns a wellgroup of wells with the specified property and value

  • prop (str) – the property you are searching for
  • val (str, optional) – the value assigned to the property

WellGroup with modified properties

Return type:



TypeError – property or value defined does not have right input type